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Online Class

Our packages

We offer full time learning packages for key stage 3 and 4, both designed to support students to progress and prepare for the next stage of their learning journey. 
We can also provide bespoke part time programmes of study for students who require elements of the full time packages. 

Online Studies

Personalised learning maps

Every student receives a personalised learning map to support them to make progress in each subject and prepare for the end of key stage assessments. GCSE exams must be sat at the young person’s home school or at a private exam centre.


Learning with The Phoenix Project is about a lot more than preparing for exams. We prioritise mental health and wellbeing for all our students. We know that students often come to alternative education  after really negative and demoralising experiences in the mainstream school sector, we can support students to build their confidence and self esteem, help them work out what it is that makes them unique and amazing and support them to grow and achieve their ambitions for the future, whatever that looks like. 

How students learn

The learning space 

Once students are enrolled on their chosen subject or programmes, they join a google classroom for each subject. Students will find learning booklets and learning resources to complete at their own pace.

Learning and feedback
Once booklets are complete, students submit them and receive written feedback from a qualified specialist teacher to help them develop their understanding. Students can resubmit any work to check improvements.

What equipment do student’s need?
Students need to have access to a computer or laptop with a camera, a headset and a space to work at such as a desk or table. If you are accessing The Phoenix Project as a provision through your current school, they may be able to support you, to ensure you have the equipment you need. Student’s won’t be able to complete online learning effectively using just a mobile phone.

Timetables and routine
One of the greatest advantages of learning with Phoenix is the flexibility it affords. Live tutoring takes place from 9:15am every morning, this is a 20 minute session. All other learning and mentoring can take place at a time and pace that suits you. Some students will benefit from setting a routine and sticking to times for completing certain subjects, others will prefer to work around other commitments or pick up work as they feel able and focused.

What is a personalised learning map?
Students join Phoenix at different points in their learning journey and at different times of the academic year. Every student receives a personalised map that lists which subjects and which booklets they should be working on throughout their time with Phoenix. Every learning map is different. It considers what learning they have already done, what their end target or goal is, what their learning needs are and what arrangements may be in place with their current school. During mentoring sessions, students discuss progress against their learning journey and agree short term goals to help keep them on track and motivated.



Dual rolled students

If a student is dual rolled (this means they are a member of a mainstream school who pay for them to
access The Phoenix Project), they will sit their GCSE or functional skills exams at their school. We will
communicate with your school to make sure your child sits the correct paper and is fully prepared for the


Home educated students

Families of home educated students are responsible for booking and paying for national exams
themselves. You will need to find a private exam centre early and work with them to enter, pay and sit the
correct exams. We may be able to help you find a private exam centre to help with this process.


Safeguarding students is our greatest priority. If you are worried about the safety or wellbeing of a Phoenix Project student contact us immediately at 


If you believe them to be in immediate danger contact 999.

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Get in touch

If you have questions please get in touch with us on:

Virtual Conference
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